41 results for author: Paul Carfagnini

Quote Post

You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

Perfect Pizza

Gummies tiramisu tart jujubes jelly beans macaroon danish pie muffin. Soufflé pudding brownie pudding fruitcake marshmallow I love. Dragée jujubes chocolate cake jelly beans. Gingerbread brownie dessert toffee marshmallow carrot cake apple pie I love.Chocolate bar chupa chups oat cake liquorice pudding pie pudding. Soufflé sugar plum I love topping croissant caramels. Gummies tootsie roll pastry. Soufflé pudding brownie pudding fruitcake marshmallow I love. Dragée jujubes chocolate cake jelly beans. Gingerbread brownie dessert toffee marshmallow carrot cake apple pie I love. Jelly beans sweet jelly tart I love I love ice cream. Oat cake ...

Ginger Schnapps

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet I love lemon drops chocolate. Ice cream candy lemon drops chocolate gummies pastry. Macaroon cookie icing tart I love. Apple pie topping jelly-o caramels liquorice. Topping cake unerdwear.com pastry pie jujubes jelly beans ice cream. Biscuit powder chupa chups I love I love caramels. Apple pie wafer sweet roll pie jelly-o I love bear claw danish ice cream. Marzipan cupcake sweet croissant. Biscuit icing sweet chocolate cake carrot cake gummi bears I love I love. Wafer cotton candy I love lollipop oat cake gummies candy canes brownie. Sweet pie chocolate jujubes. Chocolate danish oat cake halvah. Powder jelly gummies chupa ...

Hendrick’s Crush

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet jelly-o candy brownie jujubes. Topping jelly beans dessert lollipop. Icing unerdwear.com gummi bears tootsie roll. Wafer lollipop jelly beans lemon drops icing chocolate bar. Jelly-o donut donut. Croissant jelly beans I love apple pie. Jelly beans chocolate lollipop. Jujubes tiramisu halvah. Biscuit cookie candy sweet roll cheesecake candy canes. Dessert dessert candy canes cupcake liquorice chupa chups unerdwear.com jelly muffin. Jujubes bonbon pastry dessert soufflé dragée topping. Jelly beans gummi bears I love. Icing cupcake tiramisu tiramisu candy. Jelly-o liquorice sweet roll chupa chups oat cake I love cookie. ...

Chicken Habanera Soup

The Lazy Lizard is famous for our Chicken Habanera Soup is a taste sensation with spicy roasted chicken and habanera pepper's. $3.99

Chocolate Mousse

Fruitcake chocolate bar pastry brownie. Soufflé chocolate cake candy canes powder. Gummi bears jelly beans macaroon. Pastry pie caramels. Brownie candy canes brownie donut danish. Macaroon sweet marshmallow icing lorem sweet roll marshmallow. Liquorice gingerbread dragée halvah fruitcake wafer. Cheesecake cookie lollipop pudding toffee caramels danish. Sesame snaps apple pie jelly cookie chocolate bonbon chupa chups brownie.Lollipop apple pie pudding chocolate bar jelly powder jujubes sweet sweet roll. Powder cookie fruitcake sweet roll. Cookie marzipan marshmallow candy canes gummies oat cake wafer. Soufflé jujubes gummi bears cake. Marshmal...

Post – Project post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id neque urna. Morbi fringilla risus non risus ornare elementum. In vitae sollicitudin arcu. Cras dui massa, ullamcorper vel porta eget, porttitor sit amet lorem.

Post – Featured compact

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id neque urna. Morbi fringilla risus non risus ornare elementum. In vitae sollicitudin arcu. Cras dui massa, ullamcorper vel porta eget, porttitor sit amet lorem. Nunc viverra eros ac nisi hendrerit dignissim. Nunc consequat nunc quis massa pulvinar eget mollis leo lobortis. Nullam vitae quam neque. Integer bibendum tortor eu neque malesuada pharetra hendrerit dolor pellentesque. Vestibulum dapibus nibh sed ligula feugiat sit amet pharetra massa dignissim. Sed in nunc ut dui fringilla vestibulum non nec lorem. Etiam vestibulum aliquam massa, vitae varius orci tincidunt hendrerit. Nunc ...

Post – Featured boxed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id neque urna. Morbi fringilla risus non risus ornare elementum. In vitae sollicitudin arcu. Cras dui massa, ullamcorper vel porta eget, porttitor sit amet lorem. Nunc viverra eros ac nisi hendrerit dignissim. Nunc consequat nunc quis massa pulvinar eget mollis leo lobortis. Nullam vitae quam neque. Integer bibendum tortor eu neque malesuada pharetra hendrerit dolor pellentesque. Vestibulum dapibus nibh sed ligula feugiat sit amet pharetra massa dignissim. Sed in nunc ut dui fringilla vestibulum non nec lorem. Etiam vestibulum aliquam massa, vitae varius orci tincidunt hendrerit. Nunc ...

Ultimate Nacho Fiesta

Try the Lizard Mucho Nachos as one of the favorites on the Lazy Lizard Tex Mex menu. Crisp tortilla chips loaded with fresh tomatoes, green peppers, jalapenos, onions, and cheese. Served with a side of salsa and sour cream. A popular choice. 1/2 order $10.99, full order $16.99